Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Dear Ladies Of Match.Com

Please Read this first ladies. This is where I live. It's a brand new beautiful home in North Plano. There is much pride taken in the appearance of the home both inside and out. As a matter of fact the house is so nice on the inside that the sales people for this new edition often ask to show this home instead of the models alone. Nice huh? Ladies the bottom line is this. I live in the home with my mother and stepfather. There is a reason for this. I have helped support THREE households the past 20 months. I PAY THE BILLS GET THAT? ME! I am still able to come and go as I please. GET THIS! If this is a problem for you please before you read any more just simply move on to the next profile because you are certainly nobody I need in my life. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Yes I am on match for about 2 more months and yes this would be the first thing you read in my profile. It seems like there are so many women on match who are looking for a paycheck. It will not be me. As a matter of fact what I really wanted to say is what my best friend in the world would say. "They can go f*** a goat" if they have a problem where I live.
The funniest thing I have seen on match was last week. This is honest to God the truth. There was a really cute 36 year old that had this in her profile. "I make six figures you make seven I'm worth it" Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! That says ruuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn! all over it LOL!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Not Much Going On=That's A Good Thing!

Not to much going on here. I did have a good Saturday. Got up and had breakfast came home and for some reason had the picture here in my head so I created it LOL! It's so nice to have an outlet for those kinds of thoughts LOL!! In the afternoon I headed into Dallas. I met a Flickr friend at a gallery where she had a couple of pictures. We headed back to here building in downtown and ran down the street to have a couple of beers. Living downtown would really be cool! She told me that everyone knows each other because they see one another all the time. We met a couple of her neighbors went to this really good Mexican food place and I came home. All in all a pretty good day. Today it's going to be cloudy all day and give way to some huge storms. I'm sitting here at 8am thinking it may be fun to drive out west later and see if I can get some good shots as the storms start to fire up.
*UPDATE* Took a really nice nap. No pics but heading to the gym:-}
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I Am
Monday, April 20, 2009

Smile it makes em wonder what you are up to!
Here is some sound advice for a Monday morning.
Against the grain should be a way of life
What's worth the price is always worth the fight
Every second counts because there's no second try
So live like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life.
Call those friends you never see
Reminisce old memories
Forgive your enemies
Find that one you're dreaming of
Swear up and down to God above
That you will finally fall in love and last but not least
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up
Go make it a good day...........
Saturday, April 18, 2009
It's All Good....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Feeling Pretty Damn Good
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
If Today Was Your Last Day.......
I heard this song at the concert the other evening and I thought about it all night last night. As I said a couple of post's back last Saturday night showed me something I did not know was possible. I went somewhere by myself and had the best time of my life. I did like this song says I at last put the past behind me. I said goodbye to yesterday. I left old pictures in the past. I let the me that is me out in public for the first time in my life and it was an awesome feeling. I danced I sang I hugged I held hands and I did not give a damn who saw me or what they thought. I'm glad I went. Everything does happen for a reason even though at the time we may wonder what the hell is this happening to me for. I bought that ticket to a show where the people sitting next to me had bought their tickets in November the day before the show for a reason. I got the seat where I got it for a reason. Friday afternoon I said to myself why not? I wanted to go I just thought I did not want to go alone. I am glad I did. Listen to this song and really think about the words. He never says do not plan for the future we must do that but he is saying live a little why not because tomorrow may truly never come.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Have A Good Monday

Just another photo from White Rock Lake. It was such a pretty afternoon yesterday I got to take my walk around the lake. As I was walking I thought about this little story I read last week.
He discovered his reset button early on & there were not many things that bothered him all the rest of his days just because of that.
I think sometimes life needs the reset button. It's not awful. It's renewing and refreshing and lets you forget in order to move on. You need to remake yourself stronger and better and resetting just lets you do that.
Go make it a good Monday.......
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Good Times!!
I had the best time of my life Saturday evening! I thought I was on row 10. Well there was a 10 on the ticket. Seat 10 row THREE!!!
As it turned out these two REALLY cute ladies sat next to me. They were both married but we had the best time dancing and laughing! They bought me a beer LOL! We never sat down! Danced the whole time. After the show we exchanged emails and they told me I'd made their night. Wow. I made someones night. Who cares they were married they had a fun evening watching an awesome concert and enjoyed my company. For the first time I went somewhere and was just me. I did not have to impress anyone. It did not matter who I was sending text messages to. I danced laughed and I had a great time.
When I got home I thought hmmmmmmm? I got online and checked to see if I could get a single ticket to Cold Play in July. Darn the luck. I did. Center stage! Close enough to touch the stage. Should be a fun night and I will go and just be me. May even find a dance partner..........
As it turned out these two REALLY cute ladies sat next to me. They were both married but we had the best time dancing and laughing! They bought me a beer LOL! We never sat down! Danced the whole time. After the show we exchanged emails and they told me I'd made their night. Wow. I made someones night. Who cares they were married they had a fun evening watching an awesome concert and enjoyed my company. For the first time I went somewhere and was just me. I did not have to impress anyone. It did not matter who I was sending text messages to. I danced laughed and I had a great time.
When I got home I thought hmmmmmmm? I got online and checked to see if I could get a single ticket to Cold Play in July. Darn the luck. I did. Center stage! Close enough to touch the stage. Should be a fun night and I will go and just be me. May even find a dance partner..........
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ya Learn Something New Everyday......
I learned something new today. If you wait until the day before a concert and buy a single ticket even if it is for one of the hottest tours going now you can get a ticket 10 rows from the stage. Should be a fun night tomorrow night!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It Is Well With My Soul

Just a few words to live by. If you believe in God or not.
Grant me the
to accept the things I cannot change
to change the things I can and
to know the difference.
I know I do not always live my life by these words. I get caught up in the moment and when that happens 99% of the time things do not turn out good. It's those times when I do not let the emotion of the moment get the best of me I take a deep breath think about what I am going to say or how I am going to react that the outcome is much more to my liking. I had a football coach that would always say "never lose your composure" I've found that is always the way to live it was the best advice he ever gave me and is still true to this very day.
For some it is an extended weekend for others we have to work but I am so thankful I have a great job. If you are going to travel this weekend PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be careful and have a great weekend.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Just Another Day In The Life Of Trucker Steve
It's been a crazy week so far. Monday I see this guy working security at a truck stop that was without question Gene Simmons of Kiss. Then a few minutes ago I had some random guy show up at my door saying he'd heard at a flea market I was selling music gear. WTH?!!!???? People I am at a hotel!! It's 1:30 in the afternoon! My 1:30 in the afternoon is your 1:30 in the morning! I was in a dead slumber LMAO!!
Take care! TTYL LOL!!
Take care! TTYL LOL!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Another Pic

It took me a long time, she said, to stop confusing safety with love.
Absolutely and perfectly true. It took me a very long time to realize it (and at times 'safety' is still tempting), but i'm learning to be patient and wait...
I know it isn't "real photography" but I am having fun learning some new things. It's kinda fun. Click the image for a better look.
Have an awesome Wednesday.....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Think Happy Be Happy

Just another little something I came up with. Love a single tree birds and stars so why not have the whole shooting match I say!
Every other Monday I drive during the daytime and today was no exception. I was thinking about happy and what it meant. It means a lot trust me and for some its hard to obtain because it seems we all look for it in all the wrong places sometimes. Does our happiness mean anything to God? Damn right it does no matter what the preacher says. I came home and found some things about happiness. Here are just a few. By the way the first video in the sidebar makes me happy. It's my fave and it won the song of the year at the CMA's Sunday night! Pick one that really touches you and let me know which one it is. Enjoy and have a wonderful Tuesday!
Happiness is within you. When you stop the chatter of the mind and expel your worries and fears you find out that happiness surfaces from within you.
Happiness is not something far away and unattainable, and its manifestation does not depend on circumstances.
Happiness is one of the most important treasures. It is within your soul. All you have to do, is dig it out and enjoy it.
There is no need to search for happiness or to create it. There is no need to undergo all kinds of external experiences in order to enjoy it. It is always here, deep within your soul.
Happiness is always here, but covered by thoughts, desires and fears.
Happiness comes from within.
Your attitude decides whether you are happy or not. You can change your attitude.
Happiness is a state of mind. More correctly put, it is the state beyond the mind.
It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy.
Your thoughts and worries hide away your happiness.
If you smile while you talk, you make people happy.
A calm and detached mind is the gate to true happiness.
Happiness is experienced after a problem has been solved, a fear has disappeared or after realizing a desire. At this moment the mind is released from it fears, worries and desires and becomes quiet, letting the happiness emerge.
Look at the happy side of life, and you will develop the happiness habit.
Learn to laugh. This will make you feel better.
Focusing your mind on everything that you do, increases your control over your mind, which makes it easier for the inner joy to manifest.
Your inner nature is bliss and joy. Clean your mind of thoughts and worries and you will find this treasure within you.
When you wake up from deep sleep you feel happy. This is because the mind was quiet. If you are able to make your mind quiet during your waking hours, you will experience happiness.
Each day do something to make you feel happy, until this becomes a habit.
Cheerfulness is contagious. Choose cheerful people for your friends and you become cheerful too.
Sharing and accepting other people's happiness increases our own happiness.
Choose happiness, concentrate on happiness and you will find it everywhere.
Let the joy in your heart overflow and water everyone you meet.
Pleasure comes from the outside, happiness from the inside.
A good word to a friend or stranger can bring light into their day.
When you have a positive frame of mind, you broadcast positive thoughts and feelings to the world around you.
Sunday, April 5, 2009

We lay there & looked up at the night sky & she told me about stars called blue squares & red swirls & I told her I'd never heard of them. Of course not, she said, the really important stuff they never tell you. You have to imagine it on your own.
I'm having fun editing some of my pictures on Flickr. Some like it some don't. I do. Its fun for me to just use my imagination. I say there is serious o plenty in my life so this is just a way to forget all of the real stuff and just have some fun. I took the picture of the interstate as I was driving through West Texas to El Paso and the moon was taken from my front yard. I really enjoy driving in West Texas. In the middle of the night I will pull the truck off the road turn off the motor and lights and just take it all in. On some nights I can sit there for 15 or 20 minutes and not have a single person drive by. The only sounds I hear are an occasional coyote the wind and my heart beat. Its an amazing sight to look up on a clear night and see what seems like a million stars. You have not seen starts until you get out of the city away from any light. Its beautiful. Its also a really different feeling knowing that its just you out there all alone. Or are we?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The 90 Day Rule And Other Thoughts From The Trucker
Ok I have done some more thinking and now you are thinking oh my gosh here it comes more creepiness from Trucker Steve. Oh come on hang with me you know you love to "oh yeah right" about what I say. It gives you something/someone to laugh at. Right? Right!
The 90 day rule..................
I am writing this to myself but I know my kid reads it so honey bunny take something whatever you will from this. K? Baby its like this you know when it comes to relationships with guys you go to girls to ask. Here it is straight from a guy. Ol dad! Remember dad is going to do this in his next serious relationship and you know something I'm pretty damn sure it works. Wait a least 90 days (or more) before you commit to a sexual relationship. Ok stop laughing! I will too! Why 90 days? Its like a new employee's probationary period or a product warranty phase. "Isn't your life or your soul worth more?" You believe you have a soul just like me. Here is the deal Trucker Steve. Read this and read it again Trucker Steve. Before you sleep with a lady you should not only know her name address and phone number but Trucker Steve should know what kind of person she is how she behaves under stress and you should know how she treats her mother. Please just stick with me here. Is that REALLY to much to ask for a lifetime of commitment? For a year even? The real issue is how well do you really know this person. Do you know them well enough to share your body and soul with them? Look I am NOT saying wait till you get married. Trucker Steve did I say wait till you get married? NOOOO! Just some trucker wisdom. If the person is not willing to do this are they someone you REALLY want in your life? Is this "old fashioned" No its not. Is it impossible? No its not. Stupid? No. If someone tells you it is are they someone you want to really be with if this is how and what YOU think. Trucker Steve you have a friend that taught you what YOU think matters. It is some of the BEST advise that friend EVER gave you and you know that is a friend that has proven to be a REAL friend. Heres the deal. If you introduce sex early in the relationship your judgment is clouded and you think you like this person but it could be more physical than emotional. I DID NOT say always but for me if I REALLY like this person I think it is the way to go. IT IS 90 DAYS its not impossible. What is wrong with just getting to know this person first hand? Hell have some fun! Go to dinner go on dates take a drive do thing they like to do do things you like to do. KISS you know you love to. Hold hands! Now there is the ticket. Have some fun for a change getting to really know who you are with. is that to much to ask? No!
Here is the bottom line on the 90 day rule. Whether you wait 90 days or 90 minutes don't be afraid to question what you're doing or why you're doing it. Sex won't resolve an argument make you more attractive or bring back your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. If you go into it with your mind and soul engaged how long you wait is up to you and for God's sake if you wait 90 minutes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use a condom.
I'm kinda tired of writing today. I woke up for some reason and thought I need to write this stuff down. So here it is. Do with it what you will. Laugh at me because you think I'm ..........whatever I really don't care. I've got more thoughts along this same line I'll share later. I just know like everyone one else I want that "someone" in my life but I am just trying very hard to do this thing different because as I've been told I am different and I am in NO HURRY. They are out there. Maybe just maybe it will be fun finding them.
The 90 day rule..................
I am writing this to myself but I know my kid reads it so honey bunny take something whatever you will from this. K? Baby its like this you know when it comes to relationships with guys you go to girls to ask. Here it is straight from a guy. Ol dad! Remember dad is going to do this in his next serious relationship and you know something I'm pretty damn sure it works. Wait a least 90 days (or more) before you commit to a sexual relationship. Ok stop laughing! I will too! Why 90 days? Its like a new employee's probationary period or a product warranty phase. "Isn't your life or your soul worth more?" You believe you have a soul just like me. Here is the deal Trucker Steve. Read this and read it again Trucker Steve. Before you sleep with a lady you should not only know her name address and phone number but Trucker Steve should know what kind of person she is how she behaves under stress and you should know how she treats her mother. Please just stick with me here. Is that REALLY to much to ask for a lifetime of commitment? For a year even? The real issue is how well do you really know this person. Do you know them well enough to share your body and soul with them? Look I am NOT saying wait till you get married. Trucker Steve did I say wait till you get married? NOOOO! Just some trucker wisdom. If the person is not willing to do this are they someone you REALLY want in your life? Is this "old fashioned" No its not. Is it impossible? No its not. Stupid? No. If someone tells you it is are they someone you want to really be with if this is how and what YOU think. Trucker Steve you have a friend that taught you what YOU think matters. It is some of the BEST advise that friend EVER gave you and you know that is a friend that has proven to be a REAL friend. Heres the deal. If you introduce sex early in the relationship your judgment is clouded and you think you like this person but it could be more physical than emotional. I DID NOT say always but for me if I REALLY like this person I think it is the way to go. IT IS 90 DAYS its not impossible. What is wrong with just getting to know this person first hand? Hell have some fun! Go to dinner go on dates take a drive do thing they like to do do things you like to do. KISS you know you love to. Hold hands! Now there is the ticket. Have some fun for a change getting to really know who you are with. is that to much to ask? No!
Here is the bottom line on the 90 day rule. Whether you wait 90 days or 90 minutes don't be afraid to question what you're doing or why you're doing it. Sex won't resolve an argument make you more attractive or bring back your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. If you go into it with your mind and soul engaged how long you wait is up to you and for God's sake if you wait 90 minutes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use a condom.
I'm kinda tired of writing today. I woke up for some reason and thought I need to write this stuff down. So here it is. Do with it what you will. Laugh at me because you think I'm ..........whatever I really don't care. I've got more thoughts along this same line I'll share later. I just know like everyone one else I want that "someone" in my life but I am just trying very hard to do this thing different because as I've been told I am different and I am in NO HURRY. They are out there. Maybe just maybe it will be fun finding them.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Love this song.............
Come on baby lets get out of this town
I got a full tank of gas with the top rolled down
Theres a chill in my bones
I dont want to be left alone
So baby you can sleep while I drive
Ill pack my bag and load up my guitar
In my pocket Ill carry my harp
I got some money I saved
Enough to get underway
And baby you can sleep while I drive
Well go thorough tucson up to santa fe
And barbara in nashville says were welcome to stay
Ill buy you glasses in texas a hat from new orleans
And in the morning you can tell me your dreams
You know Ive seen it before
This mist that covers your eyes
Youve been looking for something
Thats not in your life
My intentions are true
Wont you take me with you
And baby you can sleep while I drive
Oh is it other arms you want to
Hold you the stranger
The lover youre free
Cant you get that with me
Come on baby lets get out of this town
I got a full tank of gas with the top rolled down
If you wont take me with you
Ill go before night is through
And baby you can sleep while I drive.
You can listen in the side bar. Have a wonderful Thursday...........
Come on baby lets get out of this town
I got a full tank of gas with the top rolled down
Theres a chill in my bones
I dont want to be left alone
So baby you can sleep while I drive
Ill pack my bag and load up my guitar
In my pocket Ill carry my harp
I got some money I saved
Enough to get underway
And baby you can sleep while I drive
Well go thorough tucson up to santa fe
And barbara in nashville says were welcome to stay
Ill buy you glasses in texas a hat from new orleans
And in the morning you can tell me your dreams
You know Ive seen it before
This mist that covers your eyes
Youve been looking for something
Thats not in your life
My intentions are true
Wont you take me with you
And baby you can sleep while I drive
Oh is it other arms you want to
Hold you the stranger
The lover youre free
Cant you get that with me
Come on baby lets get out of this town
I got a full tank of gas with the top rolled down
If you wont take me with you
Ill go before night is through
And baby you can sleep while I drive.
You can listen in the side bar. Have a wonderful Thursday...........
Just Not Very Inspired
I just have not been very inspired this week. Nothing really going on that is bad. As a matter of fact my CPA saved me $600 on my tax bill! That's inspirational right? Of course it is!!
I'll just leave you with this for now.
Just think to yourself: "what would Jesus do?" & if you don't like the answer, try again with a slight variation: "what would Jesus do if he were in your shoes & had all those bills & he was used to all the perks of being an American, too? Would he do it any different?" & usually the answer is No.
I'll just leave you with this for now.
Just think to yourself: "what would Jesus do?" & if you don't like the answer, try again with a slight variation: "what would Jesus do if he were in your shoes & had all those bills & he was used to all the perks of being an American, too? Would he do it any different?" & usually the answer is No.
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