Just a few words to live by. If you believe in God or not.
Grant me the
to accept the things I cannot change
to change the things I can and
to know the difference.
I know I do not always live my life by these words. I get caught up in the moment and when that happens 99% of the time things do not turn out good. It's those times when I do not let the emotion of the moment get the best of me I take a deep breath think about what I am going to say or how I am going to react that the outcome is much more to my liking. I had a football coach that would always say "never lose your composure" I've found that is always the way to live it was the best advice he ever gave me and is still true to this very day.
For some it is an extended weekend for others we have to work but I am so thankful I have a great job. If you are going to travel this weekend PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be careful and have a great weekend.
When my nephew died and I didn't know how to make sense of it all, that was my mantra.
I still find that lil' serenity prayer a great pick me up in times of need and confusion.
have a great weekend.
it's a good prayer. and not loosing composure is good advice.
peace to you.
Depending on the situation... I think you need to embrace the emotion.... let it wash over you ... and remove every ounce of composure your body contains.... sometimes all it takes is one touch from the right person.... just sometimes... let the moment win.
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