1. I am the oldest of 3 children.
2. A brother and sister.
3. Both are in the DFW area.
4. My sister has made the choice not to be part of the family for the last 20 years.
5. I am getting to know my brother again since we were small children.
6. He has some very funny stories from his college days.
7.I love the sound and smell of the coffee maker in the morning/afternoon/night
8.Mine just finished brewing a fresh pot!
9. Ok! Back and it's as good as comfort food.
10. I remember as a child playing outside for hours at a time. Give us a mud puddle and a Tonka truck and we were as happy as could be.
11. The name of my kindergarten was Happy Time. It was a happy time.
12. I went to Mark Twain Elementary in the 1st grade. Maybe thats the reason I enjoy Mark Twain.
13. In the second grade my parents built a brand new custom home. It was beautiful. They thought of everything. From all the built ins to the flooring. Total cost in 1968 was $36,000. We lived there 6 months before we moved to East Texas. The last time that house sold the price was $245,000.
14.I wonder what this says about me. We also lived close to a railroad track. I had friends that would put big branches on the track. The biggest thing I could ever put on there was a penny then I would go to bed at night and hope that that little penny did not make the train jump the track.
15.I was also the one that would watch a ride at an amusement park many times before I ever rode it.
16.Lets speed this up a bit shall we. I LOVE TO KISS!
17. I shower a couple of times a day but I need to take more baths.
18. The feel of skin after a bath or shower is amazing.
19. I enjoy the feel of fresh sheets.
20. Eye contact. Love it!
21. Holding hands. Oh yes!
22. I am thinking of a relationship I screwed up by doing something really stupid that somehow I'd like to mend. No I've never kissed the person or held her hand LOL. Maybe time really does heal. I hope so.
23. It is hard for me to think that at 48 I am just now figuring out what I believe about God. Part of it is in a previous post. I think sometimes we must step back and take a close look at such important things and I have never done that. I went to church for over 40 years where I had someone telling me what to believe or I would spend the rest of time burning in hell.
24. I do not think it is my place to tell someone what to believe. If they ask what I think I can share but there are to many people telling others what to believe.
25. I taught 10th grade Sunday school for more than 10 years. 99% of that time I tried to teach from a real world perspective. It got me in trouble more than once but each year there would be some kids that would tell me they had never had a teacher they learned more from.
26. The highlight of my Christmas season used to be the Sunday I would spend working in the kitchen of a homeless shelter. It made me thankful for all I had.
27. Just because I taught Sunday school and went to church did not make me a good person.
28. I have since seen having looked in from the outside there are some bad people everywhere. The church has lost it's way that is for sure.
29. My favorite color is always changing. These days I really like black. It has nothing to do with being down I just like black.
30. I am on 30. I have a long way to go!
31. I have found out who my real friends are.
32. The other evening I went through my telephone. I saw several names in there of people in which the only contact that has been made over and over for many years was by me. A couple of those people I have know since I was in high school. I took their name and number out. Oh I am sure they are like us all and I have no idea what's REALLY going on in their lives but each time I have called over the years they have said how good it is to hear from me then I'd go a couple of years call them up they would say the same thing. I was making all the effort. Idk. Maybe I was a true friend.
33. May the 29th will mark my 30 year high school graduation. That's really funny in ways I can't put on this blog.
34. Funny but I REALLY REALLY love the reason.
35. I use the word really to much.
36. I have not taken a real vacation since 1995.
37. My favorite vacation spot used to be the mountains. The view from the top of Pikes Peak is awesome!
38. I've been to California once and want to go again.
39. I have heard the beaches of Florida are beautiful.
40. You can start living at 48.
41. I have a question. Is the relationship you have with your significant other strong enough that you can share your most personal thoughts with them? I mean anything? For the first time In my life I can I can do that. I do not have to keep it to myself or post it on some blog. It's very comforting to know this.
42. The church I used to attend just completed a sermon series on political incorrectness. A couple of those sermons talked about how wrong it is to be gay. Oh course I am not gay but have friends that are. I even consider two of them my brothers because my mom has "adopted" them. I put myself in their shoes for a moment and wondered about all the bs they have had to deal with in their lives. How could the church beat these loving friends of mine down? If there were a kid in the crowd that is gay and just hadn't told anyone how must that person feel? What is right about that?
43. Especially in the last 2 months I have done a lot of thinking about what I want to do in my life and what's important. I know it's hard to live with me sometimes. Sometimes I am not a good person. I speak before I think. I am working hard on that one.
44. I lied to someone at Christmas. They have forgiven me and for that I am grateful.
45. I am so thankful for the job I have. I know this without trucks everything stops.
46. I am enjoying doing this 100 things list. It's taking me much longer to do it this time than on the last blog I had.
47. I am finding out what real love is.
48. A big part of it is putting the feeling of others ahead of yours. It all works out in the end if you do that.
49. A mans job in the home is not to dominate his home. It's to serve. Again all the rest will work out. Cleaning up cooking from time to time washing the clothes from time to time all say I love you and you matter without having to say a word.
50. Speaking of cooking I love to cook. Along with cooking here is a simple pleasure. Washing dishes by hand sometimes can be very therapeutic.