I enjoy my XM radio very much. There is not any kind of music that I enjoy that cannot be found there. I can get traffic reports weather you name it. Not long ago there was a new station added to the mix. I only found it because I was flipping through the channels. Cosmo Radio. You know the magazine Cosmo. People that is some funny stuff!! All these 20 somethings on there like college girls!! I laugh oh boy do I laugh! Just check out the names of some of the shows! Cosmolicious! It's my guide to everything in my fabulous Cosmo life. Every day I hang out with Diana and chat about how to look great feel great and stay totally fun and fearless. They give me an exclusive peak behind-the-scenes at the magazine and share insider tips from top beauty fashion and lifestyle experts. It’s my midday girl talk to dish all about everything on my mind: pop culture (woohoo!) plus lots more juicy stuff!
How about Cocktails with Patrick!! Is your relationship on the rocks? No need for a secret decoder ring anymore! The resident guy guru, Patrick helps get inside the male mind and serves up a special blend of insight and relationship advice from a "dude" perspective. Then he mixes it with a dash of the hottest celebrity news stories of the day and of course he has fun and games! It’s guys decoding guys just for the girls! Wow!! Know ya know ladies!!
How about Get In Bed with Cosmo!!! Now that's the ticket!! I slip under the covers with Brian and Sara every night on Get in Bed. They talk about everything — and I mean everything — when it comes to sex and relationships plus they’re the ones to call when anyone may have any kind of hookup drama and God knows there is enough hookup drama right?!! I always tune in to hear what super sexy topic is on their naughty mind each night!
So if you think it's all about listening to Merle or George or Tammy sing about some broken relationship think again!! Now I have to get my fabulous Cosmo butt to the gym!! Have a wonderful day!!
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Holly I saw your comment on an earlier post. Thanks for stopping by and your are more than welcome to comment here anytime you'd like!!
Again thanks!!
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