I have no idea who reads this but I have a question. Do you dream? I do not mean at night do you have dreams of what may be? I am one who has to dream. I have 2 or 3 working in my head right now. How about when times are tough do you just say aww screw it why dream? For some reason I do not give up on my dreams. I have to dream. Funny many of them do really come true. It may take time but that is ok most of them are worth it.
On a different subject. Today I went to get a prescription at the store. The lady in front of me paid $400 for her medicine. Is universal health care the answer or is it some type of legal reform? People have to have their medication but I thought what about the people who do not have insurance like this lady? It;s obvious she has a job. I know the legal system sucks do not get me started on that. Right after my oldest daughter was born the doc that delivered her quit his practice because his insurance was around 100k per year. That was 1984. At the same time the kids baby doc moved here from Canada because of all the problems with their health care system. I tend to lean toward a mix of fixing both. Are these idiots in Congress smart enough to do that? On second thought thats a pretty dumb question.
i could go on at length about the dreams i've had, the dreams that have died, the ones that are on life support, and the ones somewhere in limbo...
there has to be someway to make the health system work better. a $400 prescription is obscene.
As you well know, I could go on and on about the idiots in Congress.
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