I have no idea who all reads this but just a little heads up. Shhh don't tell but tomorrow is The Queen Of Dallas's birthday. I have already told her what her gift is. I am really bad at not being able to wait to give gifts. I'll let her tell you what I got her if she wants to but I am just going to say she told me "I LOVE THEM" I think that means I did good!
I just want to share some of my feelings toward her. I have been lucky enough to get to know her pretty damn well over the last months and let me tell you she is every bit as beautiful in person as her pictures. The lady is HOTTTTT! What you may not really know though is she is every bit as beautiful on the inside. That is my favorite part about her. She is so giving it is not even funny. She is an amazing mother. There is nothing she does not or would not do for her son. If you have not been lucky enough to see her with him it awesome. From reading with him to playing legos. From playing Webkidz to hot wheels. She answers all the questions a 6 year old asks. She puts ALL of his needs first as she should and I have NEVER heard her complain. If you could see her home it's decorated in Nik. Pictures and art work on every wall. She is lucky enough to have a wonderful job and boss who allow her to be part of his school life as well. How is that not a good thing? It's great! He is lucky to have a mom that can do that and is willing to do whatever it is she is called upon to do. Speaking of her home I am still amazed that she moved almost the whole thing all by herself!! OMG!! In case you didn't know I am very very proud of her.
QoD I love you! I hope you have an amazing birthday!
This song tell just a few more of the feelings I have. I think you will get it:-}
well, happy birthday to her. she sounds like a keeper. :)
Did you get tickets to Cold Play or something?
Happy birthday, Sweetie. I love you.
You got it!! Love you too!!
Happy Birthday to Kami!! Steve, I am a friend and former neighbor of Kami's from Austin and she has told me a little about you. I found your blog by putting 2 and 2 together a couple weeks ago. Kami is everything you wrote about her and more. She is one of the nicest, most sincere and genuine people you will ever meet. Kami, you deserve so much happiness and it sounds like you have found it. I will try to call you sometime next week. I am afraid to write on your blog because of your ex. Tell Nik hi and we have to get together this summer. I miss you and Ed and I think of you often. Take care and have a great birthday.
P.S. Steve, thanks for letting me post my message to Kami on your blog.
P.S.S. Kami, I made the Nieman Marcus chicken salad yesterday and thought of you.
Holly thanks for stopping by! You are right Kami is the most amazing person!! Stop by anytime you would like you and all of Kami's friends are welcome here anytime!!
Again thanks very much!!
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