I had a really good weekend! I went to see Knowing with Nic Cage on Saturday. Really good movie but I was not a fan of the ending. Loved the musical score.
Saturday was way to cold and windy but Sunday.........
Wow! Made it to Friday I was starting to wonder! Who is ready for the weekend raise your hand?!!? Me Me Me!! Any plans? Just going to take it one day at the time here. The only plans I have are a bottle of wine with my name all over it!
Yesterday I made a silly comment on a blog about silly words. I think you read my blog and if my comments offended you or any of your readers I am sorry they were not intended to. The words you were talking about were silly for sure! I got carried away with being silly! As I said me posting a picture of my butt on my old blog was pretty silly to me even though some people did not think it was silly at the time they commented it was pretty damn hot. So either it was silly and they lied or it was hot to them LOL! Anyway I do not have your email or I would have emailed this I am sorry. I am and I do enjoy reading your blog daily.
Ok got that out of the way...........
I was thinking because of another blog I read about something. (Isn't blogging fun?!!) Sometimes it is a good thing to find a quiet place and take a look deep within our very souls. It's one of the things I love about my job. I can turn the radio off in the middle of the night and do just that. It's good to just meditate think of who you are where you are going and how you want to get there. Trust me people this is a good thing for each of us to do. Even the most positive of us. The most busy of us as well. I know I have some readers who are younger than I and in the midst of raising a family. TRUST me you to need to MAKE THE TIME to do this. It is so important. Get someone the hubs or the wife to watch the kids for a day. If they question you taking a break then give you shit for doing it you REALLY NEED to take a look at where you are.
I have just started doing this the last 3 or four years. Weeding through some of the hang ups I have had and letting the REAL Steve come out. I do not care what others say its none of my business if you like me or not I like the REAL Steve. See for years I buried the real me. I gave everything I had to my family and gave nothing to me. Giving is a good thing trust me it is who I am. I love to give. The problem is I did not give to me and that's a mistake. I have made some mistakes along the way no question about it but I have done so many things right. The kids wanted for NOTHING for example. I was a GREAT dad! Loved being a dad! Oh well don't get me started on kids. The great thing now its MY TURN!! I am going to make the very best out of the next 40 or 50 years for sure. I am no different from anyone else. I do want that special someone to share it with oh hell yes but because I do take the time to be quiet. Listen. I know they are out there somewhere and that day will come as well. When it does look out!! This blog will be filled with pictures of us living life to the fullest with smiles and laughs all around!! Why the hell hide how you feel bout the one ya love?!!!
Check out what Tim has to say. He says it so much better than I do. Now go out and make it an awesome weekend!! Love you guys!
Lets do a little planning shall we. Have you made vacation plans for the summer yet? I have not taken a vacation I mean a real vacation in years. That is going to change this summer. I have 3 weeks to take and I plan on taking every last day. I plan on taking one this summer and then another in the fall. The one in the fall I have pretty much decided to go out to the Big Bend National Park. It would be way to hot this summer. It is A LONG drive but that is ok too because the country between here and there is so different from anything around here.
I'm thinking maybe Florida. I have a couple of friends from work that tell me that Destin has the most beautiful beaches in the country. Another option while we are talking Florida is Key West. I figure if I do Key West I could see much more of the state as well. Now all I have to do is find someone to go with me.
How about you where are you going to go this summer? Anyplace exciting?
Hey there dad I just wanted to you wish a happy birthday! None of us here really for 100% sure know what or where heaven is but wherever it is I know 100% for sure is a better place with you there. It's been 15 years now since we have celebrated your birthday here and I have thought about you each and every day! I miss you still. They say as time goes by the pain gets less and I guess they are right but it's days like a birthday the true finality of it is still there.
Another year has passed since your last birthday and I just wanted to let you know what's going on in my life. First of all the lessons you taught me growing up are still valuable to this day. I still understand that if we are not making mistakes we are doing nothing but damn some of those mistakes hurt like hell don't they? I have seen that it's ok if us guys cry sometimes. You were the one that told me real men do cry. I just want you to know I only saw you cry twice. Once was at a funeral and the other was when you called all the people at the business together to tell them that you would no longer be "the boss". When you turned that business over to the new owners nobody in that room knew why you had done it except for me. I knew all the dreams you ever had as an adult were coming to a crashing end that day.I knew it was the hardest day of your life and I just want you to know in my eyes you did not become a failure that day you became a hero to me just once more. You as a man showed more style and grace that day than most men show in a lifetime. This year I have made mistakes and cried too dad. You would be happy to know that I learned from each one I made. So I say thank you for not only telling me that lesson but showing me in your own life as well.
In some ways it has been a great year! Last year when I renewed my drivers license I saw my picture and said OMG! I have to do something and I did! I have lost close to 40 lbs now! I went from needing to wear a size 40 OMG to the 34's I am in today! I had a lady call me some real eye candy! LOL!! I had to laugh at that one! I admit it was just the kind of comments that make me feel damn good about all the work I put in. It's been a good year in that as bad as the economy is I am still working as hard as ever and things at work look bright. I am very blessed you told me to do what you would do even if you did not get paid and the money would take care of itself. Again dad you were right. Yes there have been many blessings this year. It's been hard in that the one in which I thought was THE ONE wasn't. I'd not been heart broken many times and that one did major league but the good news is she is very happy and we remain great friends! Another lesson you taught me dad everything happens for a reason even if we do not know what it is at the time. This became crystal clear even today.
Yep dad life is pretty damn good here. Once again when I think of you and the things I use to this day that you showed and taught me through your life are all so valuable. One of the most important lessons I learned was one you never knew you taught me. I am sure when I was little I said I love you. As an adult I never did. I knew you loved me and you knew I loved you but I never SAID it as an adult. Dad when I love someone now I TELL them I do every chance I get. See real men can say I love you too.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I watched some college hoops drank a couple of beers and Sunday before work did my ten miles around the lake. It was such a beautiful day in Dallas. There were tons of people out and I just LOVED that!
One sure sign spring is in the air were all of the beautiful couples I saw kissing! Nothing like a little pda! I have to admit something here. I LOVE kissing do you? Oh course you do duh! When was the last time you had one of those kisses that just made you weak in the knees? You know the kind........................
Yeah thats it! I love the kind where I take her beautiful face in my hands look her right in those gorgeous big eyes as they say mmmmmmm yes kiss me right now! Dammit it's been waaaaaaay to freaking long!!
Well with that wonder image go out there and make it a fantastic Monday!!
What a beautiful day in the Dallas area! I was tired of sitting this afternoon so I got in the truck and headed a few miles south of town in search for spring and boy did I find it! The bluebonnets are coming out BIG TIME! In a couple of weeks it will look like a blue carpet! It's an amazing site!
Among all the that beauty today I saw this little weed. As I looked at it I saw it was beautiful in its own way as well. In this crazy hustle bustle world sometimes I fail to slow down and see the beauty that is all around. It really is a beautiful world. I am amazed at what I see when I slow down and take a look. It seems some days life comes at 100 mph and it makes it SO hard to slow down when in fact many times slowing down is just the very thing I need to do wouldn't you agree?
So someone told me one time if I'd take this little weed and make a wish before I blew on it that the wish would come true. If that were the case what would you wish for? It's easy for me I would wish to be loved like never before. You know the kind I am talking about. The knock you off your feet kind. The kind that each of you can't live without the other. I have another question. Full of questions this evening. My 21 year old is smart beyond her years. She reminded me the other day that love is a verb. Would you agree? I had a conversation with someone online the other night. HARK! An online convo! LOL!! Oh the nerve! Anyway we were talking about love. How is it that love is allowed to grow old? What happens? Remember that OMG feeling of how good it feels when it's new? I do I have felt it pretty recently and I wonder what happens to THAT? How is it that we allow life to get in the way of that? Is it just not that important until it's gone? How is it that some people can keep that feeling going their entire life. Oh we have all seen the old couple that still can't keep their hands off of one another. I'll make an admission right here on the www. I am so damn ready to find that I miss it! I know there are many people that read this blog that never comment. Believe me I understand. I do the same thing. Read and move on. Let me ask you to do something this one time. I'd love to hear what you have to say about this. If you answer under anon. thats ok I just want some real feedback this time. Most of the posts I put up I could care less if there are a ton of comments I post them for me, but here I would sure like to hear what you the reader has to offer.
What a beautiful spot wouldn't you agree? I can see it now. I blanket spread out a picnic basket a good bottle of wine. Ahhh I am ready!
I was thinking about the 90% tax rate congress voted to impose on the executives at AIG who got bonuses that Chris Dodd and others approved of as it turns out. Here is what popped into my head (that's a dangerous thought) When the Cowboys built their billion plus dollar stadium they said they HAD TO HAVE tax payer money as part of the deal. You know kinda like AIG right? So here is what I think is fair. Every player and employee of the Cowboys making over one million dollars INCLUDING the owner Jerry Jones should be taxed at a rate of 90% because lets face it fair is fair right?
Liars like Chris Dodd make me want to puke.........
As it turns out it was this bum that wrote the language to allow those million dollar bonuses the media is so up in arms about. Tuesday he denied anything to do with it. What an ass.
If I can get rid of 5 to 10 more lbs I will be one happy trucker!!
My post a couple of days ago made it sound like I didn't have a friend in the world LOL! I'll admit some people whom I have know for YEARS have shown their true colors and life goes on,but I have a couple of AMAZING friends that WITHOUT QUESTION give a damn! Trust me and I am not going to name names on a freakin blog they know who they are they are caring friends who want me to be happy and make it in this life! Somedays are just a bitch ya know? Lets face it when you take a ten mile walk like I did the other day the mind wonders LOL and hey that's not all bad! I come up with some pretty damn good thoughts as well!
Sometimes old school says it best.Just sayin............
A really neat old man finished the race that is life here in this place last Friday. To me it's not a sad occasion when one lives into their 90's but rather a celebration of life and he showed me that life is meant to be live. He'd worked in the trucking business like myself for over 30 years.
What I remember most is all of the life he lived after he retired. He bought a motorhome and he and his wife would spend MONTHS traveling all over the US. They'd find a place they enjoyed and stay for a couple of weeks. They still have friends to this day they met in some National Park somewhere. I think that is so awesome! They were "snowbirds". They liked the Texas Valley so much they just bought a winter home there and from that they met more friends. They "lived" right on the water at Cedar Creek Lake and had tons of friends their.
Always positive and always with a smile on his face! What a way to live life! I am glad that in my life I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know you!
Have you ever asked the question if I were to leave here tomorrow would you remember me? Except for one of my kids who reads this daily because I gave her the URL knowing she cares and my mother I do not think it would really matter to anyone. I've seen how people come and people go in our lives. We get busy with our own and just seem to forget whats really important. Someone said to me a time back so and so does not give a shit about you. I'd say that pretty much sums it up. I guess it's true when they get all they feel they can they just kick us to the curb. Weird how that works isn't it?
As for me I am through trying. In the past months I have seen and been surprised what people really will or won't do for the ones they say they care about. I know for me it will take a lot to trust someone in a relationship again. The good news is life does go on and if we are smart we learn from our past and move on which is exactly what I am in the process of doing. I went today and rented a storage unit and plan on using it to start building my new life. When I left I had two changes of clothes and my tooth brush. I now have a closest full of brand new clothes and it's time to start on all of the household goods and I mean ALL of them so a storage unit will come in handy until the fall. I see adds starting next weekend the estate sales look like a great place to start looking. I've never furnished my own place and to tell the truth I am very much looking forward to doing so. I have an idea of a couple of places I'd like to live and even started checking those out today. While this post may have sounded like I was feeling sorry for myself up there in that first paragraph it just the opposite. I like who I am I love what I do and like where I am going. Not a bad combination if you ask me.
As for that picture I took that over the weekend. I love photography. It has taught me to slow down and look at the world around me because there is beauty everywhere we just have to see it. There are all sizes and shapes. If we all saw things the same way what a boring place this would be. Now go out and make it a wonderful week!!
Am I allowed to go from talking about God to an erotic story to end the week? Sure I am it's my blog right? I'll warn you right now some adult content to follow. If you read enjoy if not like the title says have a good weekend! I am taking the camera and finding something to shoot!
He came to the door with a broad smile a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine. He was wearing his favorite button up shirt and somewhat faded jeans. He was a stunning man not built like a rock. His hair was soft, dark brown and curly. His deep blue eyes sparkled in the light, like stars in the night sky.
She answered the door. Her long brown hair was freshly styled and her scent filled his nose. The dress she wore was a simple blue Jean mini cut just above the knee. She had the deepest blue eyes he had ever seen and a smile that was to die for. She had beautiful long slender legs.
As he entered the room his cologne of spice wafted through the air as she inhaled. There he was standing before her she couldn't believe her eyes. She had seen a few pictures and talked to him on the telephone but it didn't compare to the person standing just inches away from her. He was so masculine sensuous and yet so sensitive and caring.
He gazed at her with a wanton stare. It took all his will power to keep from rushing over and taking her at that moment. Everything about her reeked of sex from the way she pushed a lock of hair from her face to the way she walked across the room.
She walked him to the sofa. He handed her the bouquet of carnations. She took the flowers inhaled their fragrance and headed into the kitchen to put them in water. She offered him a White Russian and he accepted. She prepared the drinks and returned to the living room stopping at the stereo to turn on some soft music.
As they grew more comfortable with each other the silences became smaller and smaller she moved to sit next to him on the couch. Nothing was set in stone tonight just a small get together to feel each other out. As the night wore on and the liquor eased their tongues they both entertained their own fantasies in their minds.
He was thinking of how badly he wanted to slide his hand up her dress and feel the wetness of her womanhood. To feel how excited she had gotten at the thought of them having sex. He would love to taste the liquid and smell her feminine fragrance. He was thinking of how he could slip his fingers into her sweetness then let his tongue taste and finally his hardness fill her. He wanted to caress her breasts and run his tongue around her nipples and in the valley that lay between the two mounds of soft firm flesh. He wanted to taste the sweetness of her skin and pleasure her in ways she could only imagine.
Her mind raced as thoughts of undressing him ran through her mind. She wanted to kneel in front of him take his manhood into her mouth and suck it until it was completely stiff. She wanted him to taste her milky fountain as she sucked him giving his manhood a tonsil massage as he glided deep into her throat. She wanted to be taken by him wrapped in intense passion!
He reached out to touch her hand and startled her. She noticed his glass was empty and offered him another drink. As she poured the vodka into the glasses she felt his hands caressing her back as they moved around to caress her breasts. He could feel her erect nipples through the thin material of her clothing. As he caressed her body she laid her head back to rest upon his chest. He began kissing her neck moving down to reveal an area of skin on her shoulder. She moaned at the pleasure of his touch. She turned around to face him. They joined in a kiss that would melt all the snow in Alaska. Their kisses grew more intense with each one. OMG!! Don't you just LOVE a good kiss?!!! I think there is a theme here! Ok back to our story!
He waved his arm and cleared a space on the counter top. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up onto the kitchen counter top. His hands traveled up her body covering every inch as he placed intense passionate kisses along her soft skin. As he slid his hands up her inner thighs, he realized she wasn't wearing any panties, making it much easier to slyly slip his fingers in and tease her. His fingers moved in and out of her wetness stopping only to tease her clit. As he kissed her passionately(mmmmmmm) he removed her little dress. Her firm breasts inches from his face seemed to tease him to taste them. First the right breast holding them together licking her cleavage as he moved to the left breast.
She found the will power to undo his jeans revealing a hard stiff manhood. His pants dropped to floor as he stepped out of them and removed his shirt. While caressing the shaft she noticed the skin felt tight and soft at the same time. As she stroked his hardness slowly she could feel the veins along the sides bulging and throbbing as though they would burst. She lightly ran her fingertip along the tip of his hard penis forcing him to let out a moan. His fingers had gone from light flicks to more intense and deeper movements sending waves of excitement through her slender body.
His kisses( oh yessssss) became more passionate almost desperate(I love that feeling) pulling her closer. He couldn't contain himself any longer he pulled her off the counter top and let her wetness surround his manhood. As he slid inside her, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He supported her as he moved her up and down on his hard bulging hardness. He moved faster and faster up and down the feeling was so intense she leaned back so she could get the full impact of his manhood deep inside her.
He moved to support her against the fridge as he continued to assist her up and down on his throbbing dick. The coolness of the metal intensified her senses.
Oh how wonderful this felt she didn't want it to end. He was deep inside her pushing and pulling her up and down on his member giving them both a ride of their lives.
Her moans had been slowly growing louder until she peaked. Her body tensed around his hardness and covered him with her juices as she climaxed. He could feel her juices trickle down his shaft and onto his balls. He continued to grind against her as she arched backwards letting his manhood pound deeper inside her.
He could feel his self about to erupt with each thrust. His hard member throbbed and tingled as his sticky warm fluid spilled into her depths of femininity.
Breathing heavily heart racing and satisfied he set her back up onto the counter. They embraced for a small eternity. He helped her off the counter once he felt she had regained strength in her legs and led her to the couch. They sat down her body leaning against his her head on his chest. The stereo was still playing the soft romantic music.
Both of them couldn't be happier with the evening they had shared.
I have had the chance for the first time in my life to give alot of thought to what I think about God without being in church while I am doing it. One of the things in my opinion about going to church Sunday after Sunday is for me I'd get to the point where I heard the same things over and over and to tell you the truth I' just let them go in one ear and out the other. Now do not get me wrong I do think the church has it's place but for me I'd hit the wall from a learning standpoint.
As I said in another post this week there is absolutely no question in my mind and heart there is God. There are just to many things that point that direction. I'll never forget watching each child being born. There is nothing more amazing than childbirth! In each instance I saw God in every bit of that. For me that was all the evidence I needed. I have read several books from some of the most brilliant minds on the universe and many of them believe there is God they are just trying to answer how God created this wonder universe. What could be possibly wrong with that? God gave us a mind with the ability to question why the heck not use it? I think it is very possible God used evaluation to create the universe.
Another question I have asked myself is why are we here? Come on you have asked the same thing. Why? I was asking why just this week! Wednesday I was in the middle of downtown Dallas and when I came back to my car there in all its glory was my car with TWO flat tires! I have roadside assistance on my phone called em up and they said we can give you a tow. I said that would be hard to do with TWO flat tires. Thank goodness I had my laptop with a broadband card and found a tire service that was there in 20 minutes and charged me only 40 bucks! How did I get on that story?!! So why are we here? In my mind I have come to the conclusion that our number ONE purpose for being here is to help our fellow man. Sounds easy enough but there sure seems to be a lot of folks helping themselves. Oh don't get me wrong I think we are supposed to help ourselves and not expect a freakin handout but there are people that genuinely need help at some point. I know for me when I have been able to really help someone that needed help the feeling was just amazing.
So there you have it just a few more thoughts from ol trucker steve. Now go make it a good day will ya?!
Never take someone for granted, Hold every person close to your heart, because you might wake up one day, and realize you've lost a diamond, while you were too busy collecting stones.....
I am sitting in the parking lot of my bank as I post this. I had to run by and get some cash so I could park my car later this afternoon. I have a couple of really weighty things going on in my life today. I do not talk about God as much as I used to on my other blog because well frankly I was treated like shit by some folks who "work" for God. There is without question God. I am not sure it's the God I was taught about from age 2 but I KNOW there is God. Is God a he? No. God is God and I still pray daily even though I do not say that here. I am praying right now and have all night long. I need God in my life now more than I ever have if for no other reason than peace of mind. I'll share more later. To the people that read my blog and get ANYTHING from it even if it's pissed off thanks for stopping by.
Good Monday morning sunshine!! Oh I know Monday morning blues. Lets try something different this week! Lets take care of the things that we can control and not worry so much about the things we can't. Let's try taking charge of our own lives because we for darn sure can't make other people do anything they do not want to do. Let's be glass half full this week! I know for trucker steve I could bitch about many things but why bother. It does NOTHING except wastes another day. Here is my attitude about it. If I can have a nice meal with one doctor I can find another that's not in love with an ex boyfriend! I am finding out no matter the looks or the income level people just want to be loved. They just want to know someone is thinking about them. I figure why the hell not go for it right! Am I Brad Pitt?!! Nah don't wanna be but I had a friend that once said I'd make a good cover boy for a trucker calender!! Ha!! Funny stuff!! So come on lets make this a really fun week! Remember one of my favorite sayings is today is the first day of the rest of your life! Let's live it that way! We can choose to be bitchy or happy. I'm going for damn happy! My goal this week? I'm not spending this next weekend alone! This is gonna be fun!
Just spending a nice Saturday evening with a few hot blondes! Nothing like it!
It was an interesting day for sure. I did really have a date with a real live blonde this afternoon. What I thought was different about it was she was a doctor!. Trucker Steve with a blonde doc! A couple of hints I knew I was out of my league. First she was a real Dr and second when I saw the area she lived. Can you say O!M!G! The houses were massive! Not McMansions real ones! I thought oh what the heck why not enjoy my afternoon. We met at this place she told me about and they had some awesome margaritas! We actually did have a nice conversation. She was from San Francisco . We talked about kids and schools and the culture shock from San Fran to Texas. Things were going pretty good I'd say then it happened. She has been divorced a little more than a year and has been seeing a 35 year old and she is 47. Wow a blonde doc cougar! No big deal! Been there sister! She talked ALOT about him. A L O T. I've learned some lessons and when that happens ya better start asking questions. A L O T of questions. Well the bottom line is she loves this guy. He's made a couple of mistakes but she still loves him. I just let her vent enjoyed a really good drink and I even picked up the tab! What a guy! Maybe in my next life I can have a TV show called Dr. Steve! All in all it wasn't bad. I got to spend the afternoon drinking with a really hot blonde doc knowing that I really did get a date with a doc maybe there is hope!
I get caught up in the big picture way to often and forget to slow down and see the details. See the real beauty is in the details. Look at this flower. When we get caught up in the rat race we forget to slow down and take a look at what we have instead of what we don't. I do it all the time. I have started really making an effort to see the little things. When I fail to do that one day the little things may be gone and when I'll look back I see that I was so freakin big picture I failed to slow down and appreciate what I have been blessed with.
I slowed down and did that with this picture and last night I slowed down and because I did someone will be getting the coolest truck tomorrow. Pics and details to follow:-}
I admit I have been bitchy lately. Sometimes I use my blog in ways maybe just maybe I shouldn't. I think a blog is supposed to be fun. Kick my around thoughts of the day whatever. You know such as that post one or two back about kissing. I am going to start posting more posts like that good things!
I put up a post a few days back that some may have read before I took it down. I had to vent and just had nowhere to vent my anger. A blog is really not the place to do that. I truly do have so much to be thankful for. My health is better than it EVER has been. I have a job I truly love going to. Many blessings. It seems easier some days to complain about the not so good but I am going to make a real effort to post alot of good thoughts. Maybe I will write another fun story soon.
Here is a happy thought today in Dallas it was 76 and I wore shorts to work out in!! Yay for spring in Tejas! Something else that I think is funny is the food selection at the gym I go to. It's obvious they want to bring you back month after month! I said hello to the guy Danny that runs that section today. He is a wonderful asset for the city:-}
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.
It is time to repair friendships with the other party. Governor Sarah Palin is doing her part to do just that.
The rest of the world cannot understand how, after bitter election campaigns, American politicians can kiss and make up.
For instance, Gov. Palin has invited, to her great state of Alaska , the men who defeated her, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. She has set up a moose hunting trip for their enjoyment and hired three prominent experts in their field to assist them.
Dick Cheney will lead them on the hunt, Ted Kennedy will drive them back to their cabins each evening, and Bill Clinton will entertain their wives and daughters.
What a lady! That Sarah is such a sport and thinks of everything!
It was such a hot summer morning the sun already beaming down at ten am. Yes, it was going to be another hot hot day. As the couple sat there on a park bench staring out over the water of the lake they were not saying much at all. A few words were exchanged in a nervous moment then they both happen to look at each other at the same time and out of no place it happened. A first kiss. God! It felt AMAZING! Did that just really happen?!! Was it a dream? They both just looked at each other and then she got up took his hand she led him a few steps away and OMG!! The heat of the day multiplied 100 fold as they embraced in a long deep deep passionate kiss that would have melted ice had it been -10 outside it was so damn hottt! Yes it was the start of something very special.
Was out on Monday doing some running around and I just stopped in my tracks when I saw this out of the corner of my eye. I just love red! Bill Bass said Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.” and yes I do happen to know who he was. The colors and textures he used to design his line of ladies clothing were just wonderful! Classic all american!
Now go out and make this a fantastic Tuesday and remember today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Oh!! Look what Taylor did for me!! She wrote me a song!!
Just a few thoughts. Somedays I sit around here and feel sorry for myself. Do you ever find yourself doing that? I feel sorry for myself because I think I am not good enough. I feel alone. I can not do anything right and on and on and on. What a total waste of time. God put us here to enjoy this life we have. Oh yes things happen to me that are not what I expect or would want to happen but I have to go with the flow. I am damn lucky! I do not have to punch a time clock. If I want to have coffee with a friend at 10 am I can. I do not have to look at a clock and wish my 30 minute lunch will hurry up and get here.
I did get my ass up and out of here last night. Other people around me have moved on with their lives it is time for me to do the same. I had a blast. The beer was good the music was better. It was funny to watch people again. A group of young ladies out having a good time. It was funny to watch them drink beer after beer. They all had their little camera taking pictures of one another. It seems they enjoyed shooting the bird at one another laughing and cutting up and dancing their ass off. Something else I found out is if you ask the prettiest one their to dance they if they have enough beer in them they say yes! She said Y E S!
Life is good even though sometimes not so good thing happen to us. I leave you with this. When you are 80 laying on your back with tubes sticking out of you what will be going through your mind? I wish I had done............. We cannot control others around us and they will do what they want but I do not plan on sitting around here another minute feeling sorry for myself because life is short and it was meant to be lived.