I get caught up in the big picture way to often and forget to slow down and see the details. See the real beauty is in the details. Look at this flower. When we get caught up in the rat race we forget to slow down and take a look at what we have instead of what we don't. I do it all the time. I have started really making an effort to see the little things. When I fail to do that one day the little things may be gone and when I'll look back I see that I was so freakin big picture I failed to slow down and appreciate what I have been blessed with.
I slowed down and did that with this picture and last night I slowed down and because I did someone will be getting the coolest truck tomorrow. Pics and details to follow:-}
This is so true, Steve. If I slow down anymore, I will come to a complete stop.
Very nice picture and I love your blog...
Oooo got milk, it's what buys my flowers for the yard!!
LOL...enjoy your weekend!
that is a great shot with so much detail to groove on. thanks for slowing down and exhorting us to it as well.
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