I hope everyone had a great weekend! I watched some college hoops drank a couple of beers and Sunday before work did my ten miles around the lake. It was such a beautiful day in Dallas. There were tons of people out and I just LOVED that!
One sure sign spring is in the air were all of the beautiful couples I saw kissing! Nothing like a little pda! I have to admit something here. I LOVE kissing do you? Oh course you do duh! When was the last time you had one of those kisses that just made you weak in the knees? You know the kind........................
Yeah thats it! I love the kind where I take her beautiful face in my hands look her right in those gorgeous big eyes as they say mmmmmmm yes kiss me right now! Dammit it's been waaaaaaay to freaking long!!
Well with that wonder image go out there and make it a fantastic Monday!!
Way too freakin' long!!!! But I do remember it.. quite well. :)
On a side note... Would you mind telling me how you manage to put your name on your photos?
Nice shot by the way... very serene...
Oh yessss!! I do remember it!! A L O T
Perhaps I should quantify my last statement.... after a kiss that good... the kind that makes you weak in the knees.... one week, one day, five minutes can feel "way too freakin' long!!!!" And sometimes a touch like that can linger for years....
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