Just a few thoughts. Somedays I sit around here and feel sorry for myself. Do you ever find yourself doing that? I feel sorry for myself because I think I am not good enough. I feel alone. I can not do anything right and on and on and on. What a total waste of time. God put us here to enjoy this life we have. Oh yes things happen to me that are not what I expect or would want to happen but I have to go with the flow. I am damn lucky! I do not have to punch a time clock. If I want to have coffee with a friend at 10 am I can. I do not have to look at a clock and wish my 30 minute lunch will hurry up and get here.
I did get my ass up and out of here last night. Other people around me have moved on with their lives it is time for me to do the same. I had a blast. The beer was good the music was better. It was funny to watch people again. A group of young ladies out having a good time. It was funny to watch them drink beer after beer. They all had their little camera taking pictures of one another. It seems they enjoyed shooting the bird at one another laughing and cutting up and dancing their ass off. Something else I found out is if you ask the prettiest one their to dance they if they have enough beer in them they say yes! She said Y E S!
Life is good even though sometimes not so good thing happen to us. I leave you with this. When you are 80 laying on your back with tubes sticking out of you what will be going through your mind? I wish I had done.............
We cannot control others around us and they will do what they want but I do not plan on sitting around here another minute feeling sorry for myself because life is short and it was meant to be lived.
i think we all go to that place sometimes. but yes, going out and living is a far better choice.
Erma Bombeck said it best for me, if I had it to do over again, I'd burn that candle. You know the one that you CAN'T burn...the wedding or big birthday candle?
So....I try hard to burn my candles in life. Use the good dishes, poor my iced tea into my nice wine glasses. put on my perfume even if it's just me at home.
Live life Steve.
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