Good Monday morning sunshine!! Oh I know Monday morning blues. Lets try something different this week! Lets take care of the things that we can control and not worry so much about the things we can't. Let's try taking charge of our own lives because we for darn sure can't make other people do anything they do not want to do. Let's be glass half full this week! I know for trucker steve I could bitch about many things but why bother. It does NOTHING except wastes another day. Here is my attitude about it. If I can have a nice meal with one doctor I can find another that's not in love with an ex boyfriend! I am finding out no matter the looks or the income level people just want to be loved. They just want to know someone is thinking about them. I figure why the hell not go for it right! Am I Brad Pitt?!! Nah don't wanna be but I had a friend that once said I'd make a good cover boy for a trucker calender!! Ha!! Funny stuff!! So come on lets make this a really fun week! Remember one of my favorite sayings is today is the first day of the rest of your life! Let's live it that way! We can choose to be bitchy or happy. I'm going for damn happy! My goal this week? I'm not spending this next weekend alone! This is gonna be fun!
I like this picture of you. Your skin is glowing. You must be livin' right.
Okay, it's rubbing off on me. I will be positive and happy today.
i spent the day with my best friend and her precious baby. it was a good antidote for the trailer load of sh!t that got dumped on my door last week.
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