I have had the chance for the first time in my life to give alot of thought to what I think about God without being in church while I am doing it. One of the things in my opinion about going to church Sunday after Sunday is for me I'd get to the point where I heard the same things over and over and to tell you the truth I' just let them go in one ear and out the other. Now do not get me wrong I do think the church has it's place but for me I'd hit the wall from a learning standpoint.
As I said in another post this week there is absolutely no question in my mind and heart there is God. There are just to many things that point that direction. I'll never forget watching each child being born. There is nothing more amazing than childbirth! In each instance I saw God in every bit of that. For me that was all the evidence I needed. I have read several books from some of the most brilliant minds on the universe and many of them believe there is God they are just trying to answer how God created this wonder universe. What could be possibly wrong with that? God gave us a mind with the ability to question why the heck not use it? I think it is very possible God used evaluation to create the universe.
Another question I have asked myself is why are we here? Come on you have asked the same thing. Why? I was asking why just this week! Wednesday I was in the middle of downtown Dallas and when I came back to my car there in all its glory was my car with TWO flat tires! I have roadside assistance on my phone called em up and they said we can give you a tow. I said that would be hard to do with TWO flat tires. Thank goodness I had my laptop with a broadband card and found a tire service that was there in 20 minutes and charged me only 40 bucks! How did I get on that story?!! So why are we here? In my mind I have come to the conclusion that our number ONE purpose for being here is to help our fellow man. Sounds easy enough but there sure seems to be a lot of folks helping themselves. Oh don't get me wrong I think we are supposed to help ourselves and not expect a freakin handout but there are people that genuinely need help at some point. I know for me when I have been able to really help someone that needed help the feeling was just amazing.
So there you have it just a few more thoughts from ol trucker steve. Now go make it a good day will ya?!
yep, god exists and i do believe he is personal and wants to be known. i think a lot of people who think they know a lot obscure him. i get frustrated frequently.
as for purpose, i have a sign in my kitchen. "everyone brings happiness to this place, some when they enter, others when they leave." i got it as a way to make me be able to laugh through a particularly trying visit but really there's truth in there and it reminds me to think of what i want to leave in my wake....happiness that i was there or happiness that i am gone.
I love to read your posts about your belief in God. You are a good teacher - moreso now than a student.
You are here to help me and you are doing a good job.
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