Just spending a nice Saturday evening with a few hot blondes! Nothing like it!
It was an interesting day for sure. I did really have a date with a real live blonde this afternoon. What I thought was different about it was she was a doctor!. Trucker Steve with a blonde doc! A couple of hints I knew I was out of my league. First she was a real Dr and second when I saw the area she lived. Can you say O!M!G! The houses were massive! Not McMansions real ones! I thought oh what the heck why not enjoy my afternoon. We met at this place she told me about and they had some awesome margaritas! We actually did have a nice conversation. She was from San Francisco . We talked about kids and schools and the culture shock from San Fran to Texas. Things were going pretty good I'd say then it happened. She has been divorced a little more than a year and has been seeing a 35 year old and she is 47. Wow a blonde doc cougar! No big deal! Been there sister! She talked ALOT about him. A L O T. I've learned some lessons and when that happens ya better start asking questions. A L O T of questions. Well the bottom line is she loves this guy. He's made a couple of mistakes but she still loves him. I just let her vent enjoyed a really good drink and I even picked up the tab! What a guy! Maybe in my next life I can have a TV show called Dr. Steve! All in all it wasn't bad. I got to spend the afternoon drinking with a really hot blonde doc knowing that I really did get a date with a doc maybe there is hope!
glad it was a pleasant evening for the most part. surely more relaxing than mine was.
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