Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random Thoughts On A Saturday Evening

Think for a moment about those relationships in your life that mean the most to you. They would I think involve one on one time spent face to face with each other. I sometimes wonder with email the internet texting we may be losing by our own choices the opportunities to develop the most meaningful of relationships. Are we forsaking true human interaction? Gone are the days of neighborhoods with front porches and kids riding bikes to friends houses. Cars pull into garages and the door closes behind us.

Don't get me wrong technology is great! For example I love Flickr! There are some amazing artists out there! They create some beautiful works of art through their photography. I used to have a blog in which for 3 years I never missed posting one day and believe it or not learned a lot about life. I learned I was not the only person with problems and at the same time realized I had a gift or two myself. But I think we need to make sure we're not so connected to EVERYTHING out there that we miss the chance to be quite and connect with the people directly in front of us. It's those real life relationships that the power of our personal influence can have a life changing long lasting impact.

Last night as I was driving I was thinking as the world went past. OMG! That's dangerous!! I wondered if at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on any given day if any of the 6 or 7 billion people in the world were thinking " I wish trucker steve were here just because I'd like to see his smile."

I've spent the day thinking about my own life. Been looking in the mirror if you will. I have to admit there are some things I see I do not like. For the first time in my life I am learning who I REALLY am. For example my communication skills SUCK! I am a terrible listener. I am very bad when it comes to others feelings. I have to work on putting others feelings ahead of mine. I think they would call me selfish. Others do matter and putting them first is a huge part of being an uncommon man. I am a dreamer always have been but I have learned that it's best to keep most of those dreams to yourself. I have learned there are some people that really don't give a shit about me and I am at total peace with that. I have learned that what other people think about me is really none of my business. It's what takes the sting out of them not giving a shit! LOL

My mom went to her aunts funeral this week. From that generation there is only one family member left. Her uncle is in his 90's He was there with his new girl friend. She is in her 60's!! He is leaving next week to take her on the first cruise he has ever been on. I LOVE IT!! What's not to like about that?! What nuts is his kids are concerned about this "younger girl"!! WHY WHY WHY??!!!!

It's been a long day and that bottle of wine I bought today. Damn it was good! Love Seether! Check out the video over there! And!!! They are coming to Big D!!!

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