Hey there dad I just wanted to you wish a happy birthday! None of us here really for 100% sure know what or where heaven is but wherever it is I know 100% for sure is a better place with you there. It's been 15 years now since we have celebrated your birthday here and I have thought about you each and every day! I miss you still. They say as time goes by the pain gets less and I guess they are right but it's days like a birthday the true finality of it is still there.
Another year has passed since your last birthday and I just wanted to let you know what's going on in my life. First of all the lessons you taught me growing up are still valuable to this day. I still understand that if we are not making mistakes we are doing nothing but damn some of those mistakes hurt like hell don't they? I have seen that it's ok if us guys cry sometimes. You were the one that told me real men do cry. I just want you to know I only saw you cry twice. Once was at a funeral and the other was when you called all the people at the business together to tell them that you would no longer be "the boss". When you turned that business over to the new owners nobody in that room knew why you had done it except for me. I knew all the dreams you ever had as an adult were coming to a crashing end that day.I knew it was the hardest day of your life and I just want you to know in my eyes you did not become a failure that day you became a hero to me just once more. You as a man showed more style and grace that day than most men show in a lifetime. This year I have made mistakes and cried too dad. You would be happy to know that I learned from each one I made. So I say thank you for not only telling me that lesson but showing me in your own life as well.
In some ways it has been a great year! Last year when I renewed my drivers license I saw my picture and said OMG! I have to do something and I did! I have lost close to 40 lbs now! I went from needing to wear a size 40 OMG to the 34's I am in today! I had a lady call me some real eye candy! LOL!! I had to laugh at that one! I admit it was just the kind of comments that make me feel damn good about all the work I put in. It's been a good year in that as bad as the economy is I am still working as hard as ever and things at work look bright. I am very blessed you told me to do what you would do even if you did not get paid and the money would take care of itself. Again dad you were right. Yes there have been many blessings this year. It's been hard in that the one in which I thought was THE ONE wasn't. I'd not been heart broken many times and that one did major league but the good news is she is very happy and we remain great friends! Another lesson you taught me dad everything happens for a reason even if we do not know what it is at the time. This became crystal clear even today.
Yep dad life is pretty damn good here. Once again when I think of you and the things I use to this day that you showed and taught me through your life are all so valuable. One of the most important lessons I learned was one you never knew you taught me. I am sure when I was little I said I love you. As an adult I never did. I knew you loved me and you knew I loved you but I never SAID it as an adult. Dad when I love someone now I TELL them I do every chance I get. See real men can say I love you too.
Dad I love you VERY VERY MUCH............
May today be a joyous day in which you celebrate your Dad's life and continued presence in your heart and the man you have become.
I lost my Daddy when I was only 14... he was a mere 44.
I still miss him and like you cherish the lessons he taught and those he never had the chance to realize that he taught me....
Thanks so much DF for the kind words......
I have a hard time reading open letters of personal nature to loved ones. Especially loved ones who have passed. So I'll be honest and let you know I skimmed this and didn't read the personal things you wrote to your pops. Although, I will say this was very moving and sweet and I'm sure your dad was a great man, because you seem like a really honest and good guy. You had to get that from someone right?
And! Wo0t! on losing 40 pounds. 'atta boy! LOL @ the eye candy remark. I'll apologize for the woman who made the remark because we (as women) know that guys like you are not just eye candy, you're more than that. We know you have feelings and don't want to be looked at like a pack of meat. Ahhhh I don't know what I'm talking about! LOL!!
Anyways, I'm sure your dad would be proud of you..and it's good to know your life is "pretty damn good" right now.
Your post made me cry and cry again. It is so heartfelt.
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