Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's Friday!

Wow! Made it to Friday I was starting to wonder! Who is ready for the weekend raise your hand?!!? Me Me Me!! Any plans? Just going to take it one day at the time here. The only plans I have are a bottle of wine with my name all over it!

Yesterday I made a silly comment on a blog about silly words. I think you read my blog and if my comments offended you or any of your readers I am sorry they were not intended to. The words you were talking about were silly for sure! I got carried away with being silly! As I said me posting a picture of my butt on my old blog was pretty silly to me even though some people did not think it was silly at the time they commented it was pretty damn hot. So either it was silly and they lied or it was hot to them LOL!
Anyway I do not have your email or I would have emailed this I am sorry. I am and I do enjoy reading your blog daily.

Ok got that out of the way...........

I was thinking because of another blog I read about something. (Isn't blogging fun?!!) Sometimes it is a good thing to find a quiet place and take a look deep within our very souls. It's one of the things I love about my job. I can turn the radio off in the middle of the night and do just that. It's good to just meditate think of who you are where you are going and how you want to get there. Trust me people this is a good thing for each of us to do. Even the most positive of us. The most busy of us as well. I know I have some readers who are younger than I and in the midst of raising a family. TRUST me you to need to MAKE THE TIME to do this. It is so important. Get someone the hubs or the wife to watch the kids for a day. If they question you taking a break then give you shit for doing it you REALLY NEED to take a look at where you are.

I have just started doing this the last 3 or four years. Weeding through some of the hang ups I have had and letting the REAL Steve come out. I do not care what others say its none of my business if you like me or not I like the REAL Steve. See for years I buried the real me. I gave everything I had to my family and gave nothing to me. Giving is a good thing trust me it is who I am. I love to give. The problem is I did not give to me and that's a mistake. I have made some mistakes along the way no question about it but I have done so many things right. The kids wanted for NOTHING for example. I was a GREAT dad! Loved being a dad! Oh well don't get me started on kids. The great thing now its MY TURN!! I am going to make the very best out of the next 40 or 50 years for sure. I am no different from anyone else. I do want that special someone to share it with oh hell yes but because I do take the time to be quiet. Listen. I know they are out there somewhere and that day will come as well. When it does look out!! This blog will be filled with pictures of us living life to the fullest with smiles and laughs all around!! Why the hell hide how you feel bout the one ya love?!!!

Check out what Tim has to say. He says it so much better than I do. Now go out and make it an awesome weekend!! Love you guys!


truckdriver_sefl said...

I was talking to a friend about my liking NIN. We have a mutual friend that was shocked I like them LOL!! I said they have the greatest show! Check out the video over there in the side bar and imagine trucker steve in the crowd!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!

~Dragonfly~* said...

Have a wonderful weekend TD... Am planning on taking some time for myself... been working on that all week long... eventually though, I'm going to have to let the management at Lowe's in on the fact that I'm done working at the Mountain and pick up an extra day or two thee... :( In the meantime.... have camera... will travel!!! :)

lime said...

good set of thoughts. i'm in the process of trying to decide what the next 30 years of my life will look's an odd, scary thing.

truckdriver_sefl said...

Have a great weekend DF!!

Lime I always love seeing your comments! Without question the next 30 years of your life will rock!!
btw sometimes scary/odd is not a bad thing!

Sometimes even creepy can be good........